The distance between the guests and the guests in the store is not too big. The little brother on the left is folded well, and the uncle on the right is a stall. Like the same table in the primary school, the more in the middle line, I have been a little concerned. The young people sitting around have all clicked the white signboard. I had to not be weak. The uppermost white is the white protein that almost becomes the standard for the net red, and there is a yellow curry soup and udon noodles hidden below. Udon is very slippery, and the curry soup is stained with a light yellow, reminiscent of the Ginza line. The noodles sucked into the mouth, and the splashed curry soup left a taste between the lips and teeth, as if the subway missed in the morning brought a short wind, leaving only the warm and stale air in the subway station after a moment. A little Udon taste, a little curry taste.
Reviews of Soba Tempura Restaurant Saikai
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The distance between the guests and the guests in the store is not too big. The little brother on the left is folded well, and the uncle on the right is a stall. Like the same table in the primary school, the more in the middle line, I have been a little concerned. The young people sitting around have all clicked the white signboard. I had to not be weak. The uppermost white is the white protein that almost becomes the standard for the net red, and there is a yellow curry soup and udon noodles hidden below. Udon is very slippery, and the curry soup is stained with a light yellow, reminiscent of the Ginza line. The noodles sucked into the mouth, and the splashed curry soup left a taste between the lips and teeth, as if the subway missed in the morning brought a short wind, leaving only the warm and stale air in the subway station after a moment. A little Udon taste, a little curry taste.